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Maître de conférences

: Erwan.Bousseatls2n.fr

Page pro : https://bousse-e.univ-nantes.io/

Adresse :

Université de Nantes - faculté des Sciences et Techniques ( FST )
Petit Port
2 Chemin de la Houssinière
BP 92208
44322 Nantes Cedex 3

Batiment 34, étage 2, bureau 202

Publications référencées sur HAL

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] F. Khorram, E. Bousse, A. Garmendia, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé, M. Wimmer. A language-parametric test coverage framework for executable domain-specific languages. In Journal of Systems and Software ; éd. Elsevier, 2024, vol. 211.
    • [2] F. Khorram, E. Bousse, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé. Advanced Testing and Debugging Support for Reactive Executable DSLs. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 22.
    • [3] J. Enet, E. Bousse, M. Tisi, G. Sunyé. Protocol-Based Interactive Debugging for Domain-Specific Languages. In The Journal of Object Technology ; éd. Chair of Software Engineering, 2023, vol. 22, num. 2.
    • [4] S. Zschaler, E. Bousse, J. Deantoni, B. Combemale. A Generic Framework for Representing and Analysing Model Concurrency. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 22.
    • [5] D. Leroy, P. Jeanjean, E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, B. Combemale. Runtime Monitoring for Executable DSLs. In The Journal of Object Technology ; éd. Chair of Software Engineering, 2020, vol. 19, num. 2.
    • [6] D. Leroy, E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, T. Mayerhofer, B. Combemale, W. Schwinger. Behavioral interfaces for executable DSLs. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020, vol. 19, num. 4.
    • [7] E. Bousse, T. Mayerhofer, B. Combemale, B. Baudry. Advanced and efficient execution trace management for executable domain-specific modeling languages. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2019.
    • [8] F. Hojaji, T. Mayerhofer, B. Zamani, A. Hamou-Lhadj, E. Bousse. Model execution tracing: a systematic mapping study. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2019.
    • [9] F. Hojaji, B. Zamani, A. Hamou-Lhadj, T. Mayerhofer, E. Bousse. Lossless compaction of model execution traces. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2019.
    • [10] B. Combemale, J. Kienzle, G. Mussbacher, O. Barais, E. Bousse, W. Cazzola, P. Collet, T. Degueule, R. Heinrich, J. Jézéquel, M. Leduc, T. Mayerhofer, S. Mosser, M. Schöttle, M. Strittmatter, A. Wortmann. Concern-Oriented Language Development (COLD): Fostering Reuse in Language Engineering. In Computer Languages, Systems and Structures ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 54.
    • [11] E. Bousse, D. Leroy, B. Combemale, M. Wimmer, B. Baudry. Omniscient Debugging for Executable DSLs. In Journal of Systems and Software ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 137.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [12] H. Ajabri, J. Mottu, E. Bousse. Defining KPIs for Executable DSLs: A Manufacturing System Case Study. In 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2024), février 2024, Rome, Italie.
    • [13] L. Bamouh, E. Bousse. Towards Model-Driven Test Case Concretization for End-to-end Combinatorial Testing. In 21st Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa 2024), septembre 2024, Linz, Autriche.
    • [14] J. Enet, E. Bousse, M. Tisi, G. Sunyé. On the Suitability of LSP and DAP for Domain-Specific Languages. In 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), octobre 2023, Västerås, Suède.
    • [15] L. Olivier, L. Sauvêtre, E. Bousse, G. Sunyé. A Tool-Assisted Approach to Engineer Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) using Rust. In 4th International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering, 23-25 October, 2022 Co-located with ACM MODELS 2022, octobre 2022, Montréal, Canada.
    • [16] F. Khorram, E. Bousse, A. Garmendia, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé, M. Wimmer. From Coverage Computation to Fault Localization: A Generic Framework for Domain-Specific Languages. In SLE 2022: 15th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, décembre 2022, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande.
    • [17] E. Bousse, M. Wimmer. Domain-Level Observation and Control for Compiled Executable DSLs. In IEEE / ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), septembre 2019, Munich, Allemagne.
    • [18] T. Béziers La Fosse, M. Tisi, E. Bousse, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé. Towards platform specific energy estimation for executable domain-specific modeling languages. In MODELS-C 2019: ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, septembre 2019, Munich, Allemagne.
    • [19] D. Leroy, E. Bousse, A. Megna, B. Combemale, M. Wimmer. Trace Comprehension Operators for Executable DSLs. In ECMFA 2018 - 14th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, juin 2018, Toulouse, France.
    • [20] E. Bousse, T. Mayerhofer, M. Wimmer. Domain-Level Debugging for Compiled DSLs with the GEMOC Studio (Tool Demo). In 1rst International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug 2017), septembre 2017, Austin, états-Unis.
    • [21] D. Leroy, E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, B. Combemale, W. Schwinger. Create and Play your Pac-Man Game with the GEMOC Studio (Tool Demonstration). In EXE 2017 - 3rd International Workshop on Executable Modeling, septembre 2017, Austin, états-Unis.
    • [22] T. Mayerhofer, P. Langer, E. Seidewitz, J. Gray, E. Bousse. Third International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2017). In International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE), septembre 2017, Austin, états-Unis.
    • [23] E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, W. Schwinger, E. Kapsammer. On Leveraging Executable Language Engineering for Domain-Specific Transformation Languages. In 2nd International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2016), octobre 2016, Saint-Malo, France.
    • [24] E. Bousse, T. Degueule, D. Vojtisek, T. Mayerhofer, J. Deantoni, B. Combemale. Execution Framework of the GEMOC Studio (Tool Demo). In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, octobre 2016, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
    • [25] B. Combemale, J. Deantoni, O. Barais, A. Blouin, E. Bousse, C. Brun, T. Degueule, D. Vojtisek. A Solution to the TTC'15 Model Execution Case Using the GEMOC Studio. In 8th Transformation Tool Contest, 2015, l'Aquila, Italie.
    • [26] E. Bousse, T. Mayerhofer, B. Combemale, B. Baudry. A Generative Approach to Define Rich Domain-Specific Trace Metamodels. In 11th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), juillet 2015, L’Aquila, Italie.
    • [27] E. Bousse, J. Corley, B. Combemale, J. Gray, B. Baudry. Supporting Efficient and Advanced Omniscient Debugging for xDSMLs. In 8th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), octobre 2015, Pittsburg, états-Unis.
    • [28] E. Bousse, B. Combemale, B. Baudry. Scalable Armies of Model Clones through Data Sharing. In Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 17th International Conference, MODELS 2014, septembre 2014, Valencia, Espagne.
    • [29] E. Bousse, B. Combemale, B. Baudry. Towards Scalable Multidimensional Execution Traces for xDSMLs. In 11th Workshop on Model Design, Verification and Validation Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE (MoDeVVa 2014), septembre 2014, Valencia, Espagne.
    • [30] E. Bousse. Combining Verification and Validation techniques. In Doctoral Symposium of ECMFA, ECOOP and ECSA 2013, juillet 2013, Montpellier, France.
    • [31] E. Bousse, D. Mentré, B. Combemale, B. Baudry, K. Takaya. Aligning SysML with the B Method to Provide V&V for Systems Engineering. In Model-Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation 2012 (MoDeVVa 2012), septembre 2012, Innsbruck, Autriche.

Theses et HDR (THESE)

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