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Séminaire IPI : « Exploring visual perception and attention processes during the observation of UAVs videos »

15 mars 2019 @ 14 h 00 min - 15 h 00 min

The next IPI seminar will held on Friday the 15th of March (2pm-3pm) at Polytech – room D010.
The speaker will be Vassilios Krassanakis, who is postdoc in the IPI team.

In this seminar, the design and the performance of two experimental processes towards the examination of human visual behavior during the observation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) videos will be described and discussed. More specifically, the main aim of these experiments is to examine how people perceive such stimuli under both free viewing and surveillance task-based conditions. Experimental performance is based on the collection and the analysis of eye tracking data. Both collected and analyzed data can serve as a robust ground truth for future studies, including the development of dedicated visual saliency models that will be able to predict human visual reaction during the observation of this type of visual stimuli.
The aforementioned research work was done in the framework of the ongoing project ANR ASTRID-DISSOCIE which aims to deliver an integrated methodology towards the automatic and semi-automatic detection of visual saliencies from human operator’s point of view and the intelligent compression of drone videos.

Relative Journal Article:
Krassanakis, V., Perreira Da Silva, M., & Ricordel, V. (2018). Monitoring Human Visual Behavior during the Observation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Videos. Drones, 2(4), 36. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/drones2040036)

Produced Eye Tracking Dataset (EyeTrackUAV):
EyeTrackUAV is freely distributed to the scientific community via anonymous FTP at ftp://ftp.ivc.polytech.univ-nantes.fr/EyeTrackUAV

DISSOCIE Project Web Page: https://sites.google.com/insa-rennes.fr/projetanrastrid-dissocie/accueil

IPI’s presentations are disponible by following this link:https://uncloud.univ-nantes.fr/index.php/s/xcLeXnAEs6JgC5p


Date :
15 mars 2019
Heure :
14 h 00 min - 15 h 00 min

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