Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-COMMANDE pour 2015
Nombre de publications retournées : 43ART_INT | COMM_INT | COMM_NAT | OUV | AUTRES |
13 | 25 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
ART_INT | 13 |
COMM_INT | 25 |
COMM_NAT | 1 |
OUV | 2 |
AUTRES | 2 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Neçaibia, S. Ladaci, A. Charef, J. Loiseau. Fractional order extremum seeking approach for maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic panels. In Frontiers in Energy ; éd. Springer, 2015, vol. 9, num. 1.
- [2] J. Belikov, M. Halás, �. Kotta, C. Moog. Model Matching Problem for Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems. In Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences ; éd. Estonian Academy Publishers, 2015, vol. 64, num. 4.
- [3] M. Taleb, F. Plestan, B. Bououlid. An adaptive solution for robust control based on integral high-order sliding mode concept. In International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control ; éd. Wiley, 2015, vol. 25, num. 8.
- [4] P. Rivadeneira, C. Moog. Observability criteria for impulsive control systems with applications to biomedical engineering systems. In Automatica ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 55.
- [5] V. Léchappé, E. Moulay, F. Plestan, A. Glumineau, A. Chriette. New predictive scheme for the control of LTI systems with input delay and unknown disturbances. In Automatica ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 52.
- [6] M. Bonilla, M. Malabre, V. Azhmyakov. An implicit systems characterization of a class of impulsive linear switched control processes. Part 1: Modeling. In Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 15.
- [7] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, �. Le Carpentier. A relevant glucose-insulin dynamics model for type 1 diabetes. In Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics ; éd. Mary Ann Liebert, 2015, vol. 17 (S1).
- [8] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A Long-term Model of the Glucose-Insulin Dynamics of Type 1 Diabetes. In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 62, num. 6.
- [9] D. Maalouf, C. Moog, Y. Aoustin, S. Li. Classification of two-degree-of-freedom underactuated mechanical systems. In IET Control Theory and Applications ; éd. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2015, vol. 9, num. 10.
- [10] O. Garasym, I. Taralova, R. Lozi. Application of observer-based chaotic synchronization and identifiability to original CSK model for secure information transmission. In Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics ; éd. Indian Journals, 2015, vol. 6, num. 1.
- [11] B. Wang, B. Brogliato, V. Acary, A. Boubakir, F. Plestan. Experimental Comparisons Between Implicit and Explicit Implementations of Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Controllers: Toward Input and Output Chattering Suppression. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 23, num. 5.
- [12] M. Bonilla, M. Malabre, V. Azhmyakov. An implicit systems characterization of a class of impulsive linear switched control processes. Part 2: Control. In Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 18.
- [13] J. Guerra, M. Yagoubi, P. Chevrel. Mixed Matrix Sign Function/DFT Inversion Method for Solving Parameterdependent Riccati Equation. In Journal of The Franklin Institute ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. Vol. 352, num. 12.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [14] J. Davins-Valldaura, S. Moussaoui, F. Plestan, G. Pita Gil. ParEGO Extensions for Multi-objective Optimization of Expensive Evaluation Function. In World congress on global optimization, février 2015, Gainesville, états-Unis.
- [15] M. Yagoubi. Synthesis of Multiple Sensitivity Constrained Controllers for Parametric Uncertain LTI Systems. In 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, juin 2015, Torremolinos, Espagne.
- [16] V. Léchappé, O. Salas, J. de Leon, F. Plestan, E. Moulay, A. Glumineau. Predictive control of disturbed systems with input delay: experimental validation on a DC motor. In 12th Time Delay Systems Workshop, juin 2015, Ann Arbor, états-Unis.
- [17] V. Gibert, L. Burlion, A. Chriette, J. Boada, F. Plestan. Vision based automatic landing of a civil aircraft by using nonlinear pose estimation. In European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences EUCASS, juin 2015, Cracovie, Pologne.
- [18] M. Bonilla, M. Malabre, J. Loiseau. One step right inversion with stability : SISO case. In European Control Conference, ECC 2015, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [19] M. Bonilla, M. Malabre, V. Azhmyakov. Decoupling of internal variable structure for a class of switched systems. In European Control Conference, ECC 2015, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [20] V. Léchappé, J. de Leon, E. Moulay, F. Plestan, A. Glumineau. Delay and state observer for SISO LTI systems. In American Control Conference, juillet 2015, Chicago, états-Unis.
- [21] X. Yan, F. Plestan, M. Gapaillard-Primot. Higher order sliding mode control with a reduced use of sliding variable time derivatives. In American Control Conference, juillet 2015, Chicago, états-Unis.
- [22] C. Bonnet, J. Loiseau, L. Nguyen. Right coprime factorizations for fractional systems with input delays. In 2015 SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, juillet 2015, Paris, France.
- [23] C. Cárdenas, J. Loiseau, C. Martinez. Controlled Invariance and Dynamic Feedback for Systems over Semirings. In SIAM conference on control and its applications, juillet 2015, Paris, France.
- [24] P. Loiseau, P. Chevrel, M. Yagoubi, J. Duffal. Broadband Active Noise Control Design through Nonsmooth Hinfinity Synthesis. In 8th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, juillet 2015, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
- [25] T. Mohammad Ridha, C. Moog, E. Delaleau, M. Fliess, C. Join. A variable reference trajectory for model-free glycemia regulation. In SIAM Conference on Control & its Applications, SIAM CT15, juillet 2015, Paris, France.
- [26] C. Fauvel, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel. A Two-Layer LPV Based Control Strategy for Input and State Constrained Problem: Application to Energy Management. In European Control Conference, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [27] M. Pal, F. Plestan, A. Chriette. Discrete-time second order sliding mode observer for state and unknown input estimation: application to a 3DOF helicopter. In European Control Conference, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [28] S. Puga, M. Bonilla, C. Moog, M. Malabre, R. Lozano. Singularly Perturbed Feedback Linearization for SISO Nonlinear Systems with measurement of the state. In European Control Conference (ECC 2015), juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [29] V. Gibert, L. Burlion, A. Chriette, J. Boada, F. Plestan. Nonlinear observers in vision system: Application to civil aircraft landing. In 14th European Control Conference (ECC'15), juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [30] V. Gibert, L. Burlion, A. Chriette, J. Boada, F. Plestan. Nonlinear observers in vision system: application to civil aircraft vision based landing. In European Control Conference, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [31] V. Léchappé, E. Moulay, F. Plestan, A. Glumineau, A. Chriette. Predictive scheme for observer-based control of LTI systems with unknown disturbances. In European Control Conference, juillet 2015, Linz, Autriche.
- [32] V. Gibert, L. Burlion, A. Chriette, J. Boada, F. Plestan. New pose estimation scheme in perspective vision system during civil aircraft landing. In 11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, août 2015, Salvador, Brésil.
- [33] T. Mohammadridha, C. Moog. Model Free Control for Type-1 Diabetes: A Fasting-Phase Study. In 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, août 2015, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [34] T. Kovaltchouk, F. Rongère, M. Primot, J. Aubry, H. Ben Ahmed, B. Multon. Model Predictive Control of a Direct Wave Energy Converter Constrained by the Electrical Chain using an Energetic Approach. In European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2015, septembre 2015, Nantes, France.
- [35] A. Ameyoe, F. Mars, P. Chevrel, E. Le Carpentier, H. Illy. Estimation of Driver Distraction Using the Prediction Error of a Cybernetic Driver Model. In Driving Simulation Conference and Exhibition, DSC'2015, septembre 2015, Tübingen, Allemagne.
- [36] A. Ameyoe, P. Chevrel, E. Le Carpentier, F. Mars, H. Illy. Identification of a Linear Parameter Varying Driver Model for the Detection of Distraction. In 1st IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying systems, octobre 2015, Grenoble, France.
- [37] O. Garasym, R. Lozi, I. Taralova. Exploring some topologies of coupled chaotic networks. In NOMA'15, International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications, juin 2015, Dublin, Irlande.In Elena Blokhina, Orla Feely (éds.), . , 2015.
- [38] A. Kaldmäe, C. Moog, C. Califano. Towards integrability for nonlinear time-delay systems. In MICNON 2015, juin 2015, Saint-Petersburg, Russie.In IFAC (éds.), . , 2015.
Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)
- [39] J. Davins-Valldaura, S. Moussaoui, G. Pita Gil, F. Plestan. Optimisation des paramètres d’un système de surveillance de la pression des pneumatiques d’un véhicule automobile. In 25ème colloque GRETSI, septembre 2015, Lyon, France.
Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)
- [40] V. Gibert, L. Burlion, A. Chriette, J. Boada, F. Plestan. A New Observer for Range Identification in Perspective Vision Systems. In Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. 04-2015
- [41] O. Garasym, I. Taralova, R. Lozi. New nonlinear CPRNG based on tent and logistic maps. In Complex Systems and Networks — Dynamics, Controls and Applications. 01-07-2015
Autres publications (AUTRES)
- [42] P. Loiseau, P. Chevrel, M. Yagoubi, J. Duffal. Broadband Active Noise Control Design through Nonsmooth Hinf Synthesis.
- [43] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A relevant glucose-insulin dynamics model for type 1 diabetes. In ATTD 2015; 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments of Diabetes, février 2015, Paris, France.