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Industry of the future

The Industries of the future of the future is considered "intelligent" and capable of adapting and transforming itself. This applies to factories, health establishments, service companies (financial, government, IT, etc.) and cities.

Keywords : Systems engineering piloting human factors management software engineering robotics

Coordinator : Mounira HARZALLAH  

The complexity that is a problem in companies concerns multi-level decision-making processes, with implications for different horizons. They all aim to optimize their design/proposal of products-services and services in an innovative and cost-effective way and by reducing their ecological footprint. The laboratory, whose visibility is already established on the Industry of the future, aims to expand its research on the following two main areas: :

  • Extraction and formalization of knowledge: establish models and highlight good practices to assist in piloting, decision-making, reuse, adaptation and evolution. It is also essential to use and work on international standardization and abstract languages in order to master the complexity and heterogeneity of organizations at all levels.
  • Implementation of agile and innovative industrial systems, automated and/or robotized in an efficient way, while putting the human being at the heart of the formalization, consolidation, production and decision-making processes. This also concerns modelling and decision-making issues for their design, engineering, management, control, operation and maintenance, as well as planning, logistics and storage of finished products, services and services.
While in line with the industrial challenges and future markets of the government, the Industry of the Future Alliance and the objectives of the ANR, the SNR and the H2020, the laboratory's assets are of two kinds :
  • The surrounding ecosystem: it is favourable due to the economic and industrial fabric such as the presence of various research institutes, in particular the IRT Jules Verne and the CEA Tech in the fields of manufacturing (in the broadest sense) and robotics in particular, and also large companies such as STX, DCNS, Airbus, ALSTOM, DAHER or FAURECIA, SMEs (such as GIE ALBATROS). The LS2N also benefits from the presence of research laboratories covering complementary fields on the transversal theme such as LEMNA (economics and management), GeM UMR CNRS 6183 (civil and mechanical engineering), LARIS (systems engineering) or CRENAU of UMR 1563 (Ambiances Architectures Urbanités). The richness of this environment represents an additional asset for innovative projects that strengthen collaboration between academic research and industry as well as the transfer of scientific knowledge to the Enterprise of tomorrow.
  • Differentiating skills: the laboratory has established skills and others in the making to carry out large-scale projects within the transversal theme. Among the skills, let us quote those around systems engineering and their management, the human (human role), systems management (maintenance, planning, logistics and storage) and software engineering (connected objects, abstraction through architectures, models and their evolution as well as verification...)
The research topics explored in the laboratory are numerous: decision support in design and control, robots for production, digital control, agile and human-centred manufacturing processes, interoperability, value production, development of innovative production methods, adaptive and evolving knowledge and behaviour models, the human being at the heart of the manufacturing and control process, models and tools for designing and organizing production systems, eco-efficient production, participatory innovation..

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