Doctoral schools involved…
LS2N is mainly associated with the new MathSTIC doctoral school of the UBL, fields ST6 Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies and ST1 Mathematics.
MathSTIC is the result of the reorganization of the ED 503 – Universiy of Nantes – Sciences et technologies de l’information et Mathématiques (STIM), ED 359 – University of Rennes 1, Santé, information / communication, mathématique, matière (Matisse), and ED 373 – Université of Brest – Santé, information / communication, mathématique, matière (SICMA), as part of the COMUE UBL.
The laboratory is also involved in the following Doctoral Schools :
- The new ED SPI (Sciences pour l’ingénieur), integrating ED SPIGA. SPI is the result of the reorganization of ED 156 -Sciences de la Mer, ED 254 – Sciences de la Matière (SDLM), ED 373 – Santé, Information, Communication, Mathématique, Matière, (SICMA) and ED 498 -Sciences pour l’Ingénieur, Architecture, Géosciences (SPIGA).
- The new ED ELIC (Education, Langage, Interaction et Cognition), integrating ED 507 – Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) .