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Séminaire IPI – Invité : Bogdan CRAMARIUC (ITCST Roumanie)

21 janvier 2020 @ 11 h 00 min - 12 h 00 min

Le prochain séminaire IPI aura lieu mardi 21 janvier 2020 à 11h, en salle D005 sur le site de Polytech.

Bogdan Cramariuc, directeur de l’ITCST (IT Center for Science an Technology, Bucarest, Romania) animera ce séminaire intitulé « Robotic Platforms in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)« .

The topics will cover the current context of changing demographics and emerging ICT solutions that are continuously developed to support independent living and optimize caregiving activities such as to reduce the social and economic impact of a worldwide aging population. The presentation will focus on completed and ongoing European projects and the obtained results. In particular, the use of robotic platforms as service robots will be presented in the above context. Various issues regarding safety, ethics and user acceptability will be discussed. Practical implementations on robotic platforms for object manipulation and activity recognition will be presented. In this context, a large amount of visual and depth (point-cloud) data is collected which needs to be compressed for storage and further analyzed. While fully automous robotics is not yet a practical solution in AAL, rapid advancement in the robotics field will make this approach feasible.

Présentation des séminaires sur l’UNCloud.


Date :
21 janvier 2020
Heure :
11 h 00 min - 12 h 00 min

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Polytech Nantes, Rue Christian Pauc
Nantes, 44306 France
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