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Publication  de  la  collection  HAL LS2N-COMBI  pour  2015

Nombre de publications retournées : 25

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Récapitulatif du nombre de publications de la collection par types

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] S. Thiele, J. Saez-Rodriguez, L. Cerone, A. Siegel, C. Guziolowski, S. Klamt. Extended notions of sign consistency to relate experimental data to signaling and regulatory network topologies. In BMC Bioinformatics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2015, vol. 16.
    • [2] V. Picard, A. Siegel, J. Bourdon. Multivariate Normal Approximation for the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm: Limit Theorem and Applications. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 316C.
    • [3] L. Bulteau, G. Fertin, S. Vialette, R. Rizzi. Some algorithmic results for [2]-sumset covers. In Information Processing Letters ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 115, num. 1.
    • [4] G. Fertin, H. Mohamed-Babou, I. Rusu. Path-Driven Orientation of Mixed Graphs. In Discrete Applied Mathematics ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 181.
    • [5] L. Bulteau, G. Fertin, I. Rusu. Pancake Flipping Is Hard. In Journal of Computer and System Sciences ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 81, num. 8.
    • [6] C. Negri Lintzmayer, Z. Dias, G. Fertin. Approximation algorithms for sorting by length-weighted prefix and suffix operations. In Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 593.
    • [7] G. Fertin, S. Jamshidi, C. Komusiewicz. Towards an Algorithmic Guide to Spiral Galaxies. In Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2015.
    • [8] S. Jamshidi, J. Behm, D. Eveillard, E. Kiers, P. Vandenkoornhuyse. Using hybrid automata modelling to study phenotypic plasticity and allocation strategies in the plant mycorrhizal mutualism. In Ecological Modelling ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 311.
    • [9] S. Videla, I. Konokotina, L. Alexopoulos, J. Saez-Rodriguez, T. Schaub, A. Siegel, C. Guziolowski. Designing experiments to discriminate families of logic models. In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology ; éd. Frontiers, 2015.
    • [10] G. Fertin, G. Jean, A. Radulescu, I. Rusu. Hybrid de novo tandem repeat detection using short and long reads. In BMC Medical Genomics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2015, vol. 8, num. Suppl 3.
    • [11] S. Videla, C. Guziolowski, F. Eduati, S. Thiele, M. Gebser, J. Nicolas, J. Saez-Rodriguez, T. Schaub, A. Siegel. Learning Boolean logic models of signaling networks with ASP. In Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, num. 599.
    • [12] N. Mouquet, Y. Lagadeuc, V. Devictor, L. Doyen, A. Duputié, D. Eveillard, D. Faure, �. Garnier, O. Gimenez, P. Huneman, F. Jabot, P. Jarne, D. Joly, R. Julliard, S. Kéfi, G. Kergoat, S. Lavorel, L. Le Gall, L. Meslin, S. Morand, X. Morin, H. Morlon, G. Pinay, R. Pradel, F. Schurr, W. Thuiller, M. Loreau. Predictive ecology in a changing world. In Journal of Applied Ecology ; éd. Wiley, 2015, vol. 52, num. 5.
    • [13] G. Fertin, C. Komusiewicz, H. Mohamed-Babou, I. Rusu. Finding Supported Paths in Heterogeneous Networks. In Algorithms ; éd. MDPI, 2015.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [14] D. Eveillard, L. Guidi, L. Bittner, S. Chaffron, J. Raes, E. Karsenti, C. Bowler, G. Gorsky. Revealing and analyzing networks of marine microbial ecosystems. In Conférence Jacques Monod - Marine Ecosystems Biology, 2015, Roscoff, France.
    • [15] V. Picard, A. Siegel, J. Bourdon. A Logic for Checking the Probabilistic Steady-State Properties of Reaction Networks. In IJCAI workshop BAI: Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence, 2015, Buenos Aeres, Argentine.
    • [16] G. Fertin, L. Jankowiak, G. Jean. Prefix and Suffix Reversals on Strings. In 22nd International Symposiumon String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2015), septembre 2015, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [17] L. Fippo Fitime, C. Schuster, P. Angel, O. Roux, C. Guziolowski. Integrating Time-Series Data in Large-Scale Discrete Cell-Based Models. In Fourth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB 2015), septembre 2015, Madrid, Espagne.
    • [18] G. Fertin, I. Rusu, S. Vialette. Algorithmic aspects of the S-Labeling problem. In 26th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2015), octobre 2015, Verona, Italie.
    • [19] G. Fertin, I. Rusu, S. Vialette. Obtaining a Triangular Matrix by Independent Row-Column Permutations. In 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, décembre 2015, Nagoya, France.
    • [20] M. Budinich, J. Bourdon, A. Larhlimi, D. Eveillard. OPINION PAPER Evolutionary Constraint-Based Formulation Requires New Bi-level Solving Techniques. In 13th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology CMSB 2015, septembre 2015, Nantes, France.In Olivier Roux (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    • [21] M. Ostrowski, L. Paulevé, T. Schaub, A. Siegel, C. Guziolowski. Boolean Network Identification from Multiplex Time Series Data. In CMSB 2015 - 13th conference on Computational Methods for Systems Biology, septembre 2015, Nantes, France.In Olivier Roux (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)

    • [22] O. Roux, J. Bourdon. Computational Methods in Systems Biology - 13th International Conference, CMSB 2015, Nantes, France, September 16-18, 2015, Proceedings. 2015

Theses et HDR (THESE)

Autres publications (AUTRES)

    • [24] M. Budinich, J. Bourdon, D. Eveillard. Impact of the species compartment definition on quantitative modeling of microbial communities.
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