Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-COMBI pour 2018
Nombre de publications retournées : 31ART_INT | COMM_INT | OUV | THESE | AUTRES |
21 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
ART_INT | 21 |
COMM_INT | 4 |
OUV | 2 |
THESE | 2 |
AUTRES | 2 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] G. Fertin, I. Rusu, S. Vialette. The S-labeling problem: An algorithmic tour. In Discrete Applied Mathematics ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 246.
- [2] M. Razzaq, L. Paulevé, A. Siegel, J. Saez-Rodriguez, J. Bourdon, C. Guziolowski. Computational Discovery of Dynamic Cell Line Specific Boolean Networks from Multiplex Time-Course Data. In PLoS Computational Biology ; éd. PLOS, 2018, vol. 14.
- [3] R. Tito, S. Chaffron, C. Caenepeel, G. Lima-Mendez, J. Wang, S. Vieira-Silva, G. Falony, F. Hildebrand, Y. Darzi, L. Rymenans, C. Verspecht, P. Bork, S. Vermeire, M. Joossens, J. Raes. Population-level analysis of Blastocystis subtype prevalence and variation in the human gut microbiota. In Gut ; éd. BMJ Publishing Group, 2018.
- [4] S. Thiriet-Rupert, G. Carrier, C. Trottier, D. Eveillard, B. Schoefs, G. Bougaran, J. Cadoret, B. Chénais, B. Saint-Jean. Identification of transcription factors involved in the phenotype of a domesticated oleaginous microalgae strain of Tisochrysis lutea. In Algal Research - Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 30.
- [5] A. Poret, C. Guziolowski. Therapeutic target discovery using Boolean network attractors: improvements of kali. In Royal Society Open Science ; éd. The Royal Society, 2018, vol. 5, num. 2.
- [6] G. Fertin, C. Lintzmayer, Z. Dias. Sorting permutations and binary strings by length-weighted rearrangements. In Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 715.
- [7] L. Chebouba, B. Miannay, D. Boughaci, C. Guziolowski. Discriminate the response of Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients to treatment by using proteomics data and Answer Set Programming. In BMC Bioinformatics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2018, vol. 19, num. S2.
- [8] L. Pelletier, I. Rusu. Common intervals and permutation reconstruction from MinMax -betweenness constraints. In Journal of Discrete Algorithms ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 49.
- [9] B. Miannay, S. Minvielle, F. Magrangeas, C. Guziolowski. Constraints on signaling network logic reveal functional subgraphs on Multiple Myeloma OMIC data. In BMC Systems Biology ; éd. BioMed Central, 2018, vol. 12(Suppl3).
- [10] I. Rusu. Sorting signed permutations by reversals using link-cut trees. In Information Processing Letters ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 132.
- [11] M. Aite, M. Chevallier, C. Frioux, C. Trottier, J. Got, M. Cortés, S. Mendoza, G. Carrier, O. Dameron, N. Guillaudeux, M. Latorre, N. Loira, G. Markov, A. Maass, A. Siegel. Traceability, reproducibility and wiki-exploration for "à-la-carte" reconstructions of genome-scale metabolic models. In PLoS Computational Biology ; éd. PLOS, 2018, vol. 14, num. 5.
- [12] G. Fertin, F. Hüffner, C. Komusiewicz, M. Sorge. Matching algorithms for assigning orthologs after genome duplication events. In Computational Biology and Chemistry ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 74.
- [13] H. Poling, D. Wu, N. Brown, M. Baker, T. Hausfeld, N. Huynh, S. Chaffron, J. Dunn, S. Hogan, J. Wells, M. Helmrath, M. Mahé. Mechanically induced development and maturation of human intestinal organoids in vivo. In Nature Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2018, vol. 2, num. 6.
- [14] L. Chebouba, D. Boughaci, C. Guziolowski. Proteomics Versus Clinical Data and Stochastic Local Search Based Feature Selection for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients’ Classification. In Journal of Medical Systems ; éd. Springer Verlag (Germany), 2018, vol. 42, num. 7.
- [15] G. Fertin, L. Jankowiak, G. Jean. Prefix and suffix reversals on strings. In Discrete Applied Mathematics ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 246.
- [16] C. Frioux, E. Fremy, C. Trottier, A. Siegel. Scalable and exhaustive screening of metabolic functions carried out by microbial consortia. In Bioinformatics ; éd. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018, vol. 34, num. 17.
- [17] D. d'Alelio, D. Eveillard, V. Coles, L. Caputi, M. Ribera D’alcalà, D. Iudicone. Modelling the complexity of plankton communities exploiting omics potential: From present challenges to an integrative pipeline. In Current Opinion in Systems Biology ; éd. Elsevier, 2018.
- [18] G. Fertin, J. Peters. Optimal odd gossiping. In Discrete Applied Mathematics ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 247.
- [19] B. Jagadeesan, P. Gerner-Smidt, M. Allard, S. Leuillet, A. Winkler, Y. Xiao, S. Chaffron, J. Vossen, S. Tang, M. Katase, P. Mcclure, B. Kimura, L. Ching Chai, J. Chapman, K. Grant. The Use of Next Generation Sequencing for Improving Food Safety: Translation into practice. In Food Microbiology ; éd. Elsevier, 2018.
- [20] A. Oliveira, G. Fertin, U. Dias, Z. Dias. Sorting signed circular permutations by super short operations. In Algorithms for Molecular Biology ; éd. BioMed Central, 2018, vol. 13, num. 1.
- [21] D. Mandakovic, C. Rojas, J. Maldonado, M. Latorre, D. Travisany, E. Delage, A. Bihouée, G. Jean, F. Diaz, B. Fernández-Gómez, P. Cabrera, A. Gaete, C. Latorre, R. Gutierrez, A. Maass, V. Cambiazo, S. Navarrete, D. Eveillard, M. Gonzalez. Structure and co-occurrence patterns in microbial communities under acute environmental stress reveal ecological factors fostering resilience. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2018, vol. 8, num. 1.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [22] S. Ayata, E. Faure, A. Benoiston, F. Not, O. Aumont, L. Guidi, S. Chaffron, D. Eveillard, L. Bittner. From plankton functional traits to marine ecosystem functions: Assessing functional diversity of plankton communities from high throughput -omics data and its impact on oceanic biogeochemical cycles. In Functional Ecology Conference, 2018, Nancy, France.
- [23] G. Fertin, J. Fradin, C. Komusiewicz. On the Maximum Colorful Arborescence Problem and Color Hierarchy Graph Structure. In Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching -- CPM 2018, juillet 2018, Qingdao, Chine.
- [24] C. Frioux, E. Fremy, C. Trottier, A. Siegel. Scalable and exhaustive screening of metabolic functions carried out by microbial consortia. In ECCB - 2018 - 17th European Conference on Computational Biology, septembre 2018, Athènes, Grèce.
- [25] A. Rodrigues Oliveira, G. Jean, G. Fertin, U. Dias, Z. Dias. Super Short Reversals on Both Gene Order and Intergenic Sizes. In Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - 11th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics -- BSB 2018, octobre 2018, Niteroi, Brésil.In Springer (éds.), . , 2018.
Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)
- [26] M. Razzaq, R. Kaminski, J. Romero, T. Schaub, J. Bourdon, C. Guziolowski. Computing Diverse Boolean Networks from Phosphoproteomic Time Series Data. 24-08-2018
- [27] L. Bittner, L. Guidi, S. Chaffron, D. Eveillard. Les microbiomes de l'océan : une démarche à haut débit pour une compréhension globale et systémique. In Microbiodiversité : un nouveau regard. 01-12-2018
Theses et HDR (THESE)
- [28] J. Fradin. Complex graphs in biology : problems, algorithms and evaluation. Thèses : Université de Nantes, Faculté des sciences et des techniques, Ecole Doctorale MATHSTIC, .
- [29] M. Razzaq. Integrating phosphoproteomic time series data into prior knowledge networks. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
Autres publications (AUTRES)
- [30] S. Ayata, E. Faure, A. Benoiston, O. Silva, V. Sonnet, F. Benedetti, F. Not, O. Aumont, L. Guidi, S. Chaffron, D. Eveillard, L. Bittner. Assessing functional diversity of plankton communities from high throughput –omics data. In Colloque de Bilan et de Prospective du programme LEFE, mars 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- [31] A. Benoiston, E. Eveillard, S. Chaffron, S. Ayata, C. Bowler, L. Guidi, E. Delage, G. Jean, L. Bittner, T. Corrdinators. Biological pump processes are driven by microbial networks in the global oligotrophic ocean. In ISME17, août 2018, Leipzig, Allemagne.