Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-COMBI pour 2023
Nombre de publications retournées : 21ART_INT | COMM_INT |
16 | 5 |
ART_INT | 16 |
COMM_INT | 5 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] H. Kaneko, H. Endo, N. Henry, C. Berney, F. Mahé, J. Poulain, K. Labadie, O. Beluche, R. El Hourany, S. Acinas, M. Babin, P. Bork, C. Bowler, G. Cochrane, C. de Vargas, G. Gorsky, L. Guidi, N. Grimsley, P. Hingamp, D. Iudicone, O. Jaillon, S. Kandels, E. Karsenti, F. Not, N. Poulton, S. Pesant, C. Sardet, S. Speich, L. Stemmann, M. Sullivan, S. Sunagawa, P. Wincker, R. Nakamura, L. Karp-Boss, E. Boss, C. Bowler, C. de Vargas, K. Tomii, H. Ogata, S. Chaffron. Predicting global distributions of eukaryotic plankton communities from satellite data. In ISME Communications ; éd. Springer Nature, 2023, vol. 3, num. 1.
- [2] I. Deutschmann, A. Krabberød, F. Latorre, E. Delage, C. Marrasé, V. Balagué, J. Gasol, R. Massana, D. Eveillard, S. Chaffron, R. Logares. Disentangling temporal associations in marine microbial networks. In Microbiome ; éd. BioMed Central, 2023, vol. 11, num. 83.
- [3] N. Jiménez, V. Acuña, M. Cortés, D. Eveillard, A. Maass. Unveiling abundance-dependent metabolic phenotypes of microbial communities. In mSystems. 2023
- [4] V. Bessonneau-Gaborit, J. Cruard, C. Guerin-Charbonnel, J. Derrien, J. Alberge, E. Douillard, M. Devic, S. Deshayes, L. Campion, F. Westermann, P. Moreau, C. Herrmann, J. Bourdon, F. Magrangeas, S. Minvielle. Exploring the impact of dexamethasone on gene regulation in myeloma cells. In Life Science Alliance ; éd. Life Science Alliance LLC, 2023, vol. 6, num. 9.
- [5] A. Lê, A. Selle, P. Aubert, T. Durand, C. Brosseau, P. Bordron, E. Delage, S. Chaffron, C. Petitfils, N. Cenac, M. Neunlist, M. Bodinier, M. Rolli-Derkinderen. Maternal prebiotic supplementation impacts colitis development in offspring mice. In Frontiers in Nutrition ; éd. Frontiers Media S.A., 2023, vol. 9.
- [6] L. Fizanne, A. Villard, N. Benabbou, S. Recoquillon, R. Soleti, E. Delage, M. Wertheimer, X. Vidal‐gómez, T. Oullier, M. Martínez, M. Neunlist, J. Boursier, R. Andriantsitohaina, S. Chaffron. Faeces‐derived extracellular vesicles participate in the onset of barrier dysfunction leading to liver diseases. In Journal of Extracellular Vesicles ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 12, num. 2.
- [7] J. Marchix, L. Quénéhervé, P. Bordron, P. Aubert, T. Durand, T. Oullier, C. Blondeau, S. Ait Abdellah, S. Bruley Des Varannes, E. Coron, M. Neunlist, S. Chaffron. Could the Microbiota Be a Predictive Factor for the Clinical Response to Probiotic Supplementation in IBS-D? A Cohort Study. In Microorganisms ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 11, num. 2.
- [8] E. Dijoux, M. Klein, B. Misme-Aucouturier, M. Chemina, M. de Carvalho, L. Collin, D. Hassoun, E. Delage, M. Gourdel, G. Loirand, V. Sauzeau, A. Magnan, G. Bouchaud. Allergic Sensitization Driving Immune Phenotyping and Disease Severity in a Mouse Model of Asthma. In Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research ; éd. Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease, 2023, vol. 15, num. 2.
- [9] H. Doré, U. Guyet, J. Leconte, G. Farrant, B. Alric, M. Ratin, M. Ostrowski, M. Ferrieux, L. Brillet-Guéguen, M. Hoebeke, J. Siltanen, G. Le Corguillé, E. Corre, P. Wincker, D. Scanlan, D. Eveillard, F. Partensky, L. Garczarek. Differential global distribution of marine picocyanobacteria gene clusters reveals distinct niche-related adaptive strategies. In The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2023, vol. 17, num. 5.
- [10] A. Alexandrino, A. Oliveira, G. Jean, G. Fertin, U. Dias, Z. Dias. Reversal and Transposition Distance on Unbalanced Genomes Using Intergenic Information. In Journal of Computational Biology ; éd. Mary Ann Liebert, 2023, vol. 30, num. 8.
- [11] S. Le Bars, M. Bolteau, J. Bourdon, C. Guziolowski. Predicting weighted unobserved nodes in a regulatory network using answer set programming. In BMC Bioinformatics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2023, vol. 24, num. S1.
- [12] P. Rubbens, S. Brodie, T. Cordier, D. Destro Barcellos, P. Devos, J. Fernandes-Salvador, J. Fincham, A. Gomes, N. Handegard, K. Howell, C. Jamet, K. Kartveit, H. Moustahfid, C. Parcerisas, D. Politikos, R. Sauzède, M. Sokolova, L. Uusitalo, L. van den Bulcke, A. van Helmond, J. Watson, H. Welch, O. Beltran-Perez, S. Chaffron, D. Greenberg, B. Kühn, R. Kiko, M. Lo, R. Lopes, K. Möller, W. Michaels, A. Pala, J. Romagnan, P. Schuchert, V. Seydi, S. Villasante, K. Malde, J. Irisson. Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications. In ICES Journal of Marine Science ; éd. Oxford University Press, 2023, vol. 80, num. 7.
- [13] J. Derrien, S. Gastineau, A. Frigout, N. Giordano, M. Cherkaoui, V. Gaborit, R. Boinon, E. Douillard, M. Devic, F. Magrangeas, P. Moreau, S. Minvielle, C. Touzeau, E. Letouzé. Author Correction: Acquired resistance to a GPRC5D-directed T-cell engager in multiple myeloma is mediated by genetic or epigenetic target inactivation. In Nature Cancer ; éd. Nature Research, 2023.
- [14] L. Meng, T. Delmont, M. Gaïa, E. Pelletier, A. Fernàndez-Guerra, R. Neches, J. Wu, H. Kaneko, H. Endo, H. Ogata, S. Chaffron. Genomic adaptation of giant viruses in polar oceans. In Nature Communications ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2023, vol. 14, num. 1.
- [15] G. Prunier, M. Cherkaoui, A. Lysiak, O. Langella, M. Blein-Nicolas, V. Lollier, E. Benoist, G. Jean, G. Fertin, H. Rogniaux, D. Tessier. Fast alignment of mass spectra in large proteomics datasets, capturing dissimilarities arising from multiple complex modifications of peptides. In BMC Bioinformatics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2023, vol. 24, num. 1.
- [16] J. Rigonato, M. Budinich, A. Murillo, M. Brandão, J. Pierella Karlusich, Y. Soviadan, A. Gregory, H. Endo, F. Kokoszka, D. Vik, N. Henry, P. Frémont, K. Labadie, A. Zayed, C. Dimier, M. Picheral, S. Searson, J. Poulain, S. Kandels, S. Pesant, E. Karsenti, C. Bowler, C. de Vargas, D. Eveillard, M. Gehlen, D. Iudicone, F. Lombard, H. Ogata, L. Stemmann, M. Sullivan, S. Sunagawa, P. Wincker, S. Chaffron, O. Jaillon. Ocean-wide comparisons of mesopelagic planktonic community structures. In ISME Communications ; éd. Springer Nature, 2023, vol. 3, num. 1.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [17] O. El Khettari, S. Quiniou, S. Chaffron. Annotation d'interactions hôte-microbiote dans des articles scientifiques par similarité sémantique avec une ontologie. In 18e Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications -- 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI -- 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles -- 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, 2023, Paris, France.
- [18] O. El Khettari, S. Quiniou, S. Chaffron. Building a Corpus for Biomedical Relation Extraction of Species Mentions. In The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks, juillet 2023, Toronto, Canada.
- [19] M. Bolteau, J. Bourdon, L. David, C. Guziolowski. Inferring Boolean Networks from Single-Cell Human Embryo Datasets. In 19th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, ISBRA 2023, octobre 2023, Wrocław, Pologne.
- [20] G. Siqueira, A. Oliveira Alexandrino, A. Rodrigues Oliveira, G. Jean, G. Fertin, Z. Dias. Approximating Rearrangement Distances with Replicas and Flexible Intergenic Regions. In International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2023), octobre 2023, Wrocław, Pologne.In Springer (éds.), . Springer Nature, 2023.
- [21] Y. Le Loir, C. Le Bras, A. Lambert, M. Mantel, R. Brossaud, S. Blanchet. Research and Innovation in Nutrition : A major health issue Milk products and innovative fermented ingredients for target populations : Focus on the PROLIFIC Project. In Journée NUTREVENT, octobre 2023, Rennes, France.In (éds.), . , 2023.