Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-IPI pour 2023
Nombre de publications retournées : 57ART_INT | COMM_INT | OUV | BRE | THESE | AUTRES |
11 | 34 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
ART_INT | 11 |
COMM_INT | 34 |
OUV | 5 |
BRE | 2 |
THESE | 4 |
AUTRES | 1 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Ak, A. Goswami, W. Hauser, P. Le Callet, F. Dufaux. RV-TMO: Large-Scale Dataset for Subjective Quality Assessment of Tone Mapped Images. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, vol. 25.
- [2] H. Spiers, A. Coutrot, M. Hornberger. Explaining World‐Wide Variation in Navigation Ability from Millions of People: Citizen Science Project Sea Hero Quest. In Topics in cognitive science ; éd. Wiley, 2023, vol. 15.
- [3] M. Leszczuk, L. Janowski, J. Nawala, J. Zhu, Y. Wang, A. Boev. Objective Video Quality Assessment and Ground Truth Coordinates for Automatic License Plate Recognition. In Electronics, vol. 12, num. 23. 2023
- [4] A. Rocatcher, V. Desquiret-Dumas, M. Charif, M. Ferré, P. Gohier, D. Mirebeau-Prunier, C. Verny, D. Milea, G. Lenaers, C. Vignal, C. Lamirel, R. Hage, H. Dollfus, I. Meunier, X. Zanlonghi, V. Touitou, P. Lebranchu, S. Odent, C. Tilikete, L. Jeanjean, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, I. Drumare-Bouvet, V. Smirnov, C. Vincent-Delorme, D. Biotti, F. Varenne, P. Calvas, N. Chassaing, M. Cohen, C. Orssaud, F. Mochel, A. Roubertie, A. Toutain, F. Pollet-Villard, M. Dupeyron, C. Boulicot, B. Cochener, A. Goldenberg, M. Jacquemont, C. Francannet, D. Bonneau, P. Reynier, P. Amati-Bonneau. The top 10 most frequently involved genes in hereditary optic neuropathies in 2186 probands. In Brain - A Journal of Neurology ; éd. Oxford University Press, 2023, vol. 146, num. 2.
- [5] I. Goudé, A. Bruckert, A. Olivier, J. Pettré, R. Cozot, K. Bouatouch, M. Christie, L. Hoyet. Real-time Multi-map Saliency-driven Gaze Behavior for Non-conversational Characters. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023.
- [6] T. Gomez, H. Mouchère. Computing and evaluating saliency maps for image classification: a tutorial. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2023, vol. 32, num. 02.
- [7] A. Agossah, F. Krupa, M. Perreira Da Silva, G. Deconde, P. Le Callet. Déploiement de l’IA en situation de travail : une trop faible considération de l’expérience des employé·es ?. In Sciences du Design ; éd. Presses Universitaires de France, 2023, vol. n° 16, num. 2.
- [8] Y. Nehmé, J. Delanoy, F. Dupont, J. Farrugia, P. Le Callet, G. Lavoué. Textured Mesh Quality Assessment: Large-scale Dataset and Deep Learning-based Quality Metric. In ACM Transactions on Graphics ; éd. Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, vol. 42, num. 3.
- [9] C. Lacôte-Coquereau, T. Vigier, M. Perreira Da Silva. Experimenting in virtual reality with an autistic public having language and intellectual development disorders: lessons learned and recommendations. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Workshops. 12-06-2023
- [10] J. Chopin, J. Fasquel, H. Mouchère, R. Dahyot, I. Bloch. Model-based inexact graph matching on top of DNNs for semantic scene understanding. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 235.
- [11] C. de Almeida Braga, M. Bauvais, P. Sujobert, M. Heiblig, M. Jullien, B. Le Calvez, C. Richard, V. Le Roc'H, E. Rault, O. Herault, P. Peterlin, A. Garnier, P. Chevallier, S. Bouzy, Y. Le Bris, A. Neel, J. Graveleau, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, O. Kosmider, N. Normand, M. Eveillard. Deep Learning Based Blood Abnormalities Detection As a Tool for Vexas Syndrome Screening. In Blood ; éd. American Society of Hematology, 2023, vol. 142, num. Supplement 1.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [12] E. Mohamed Moussa, T. Lelore, H. Mouchère. Point to segment distance DTW for online handwriting signals matching. In ICPRAM 2023, février 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal.
- [13] J. Zhu, H. Amirpour, V. Menon, R. Schatz, P. Le Callet. Elevating Your Streaming Experience with Just Noticeable Difference (JND)-based Encoding. In ACM MILE-HIGH VIDEO 2023, mai 2023, Denver, états-Unis.
- [14] E. David, J. Gutiérrez, M. Vo, A. Coutrot, M. Perreira Da Silva, P. Le Callet. The Salient360! Toolbox: Processing, Visualising and Comparing Gaze Data in 3D. In ETRA '23: 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, mai 2023, Tubingen Germany, France.
- [15] A. Bruckert, M. Abid, M. Perreira da Silva, P. Le Callet. Could the bubbleview metaphor be used to infer visual attention on 3D graphical content ?. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, juin 2023, Rhodes, Grèce.
- [16] P. David, P. Le Callet, S. Ling, H. Wang, I. Katsavounidis, Z. Shahid, C. Stejerean. Estimating Uncertainty On Video Quality Metrics. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), juin 2023, Rhodes Island, Grèce.
- [17] A. Pastor, P. Le Callet. Perceptual annotation of local distortions in videos: tools and datasets. In 14th Conference on ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys '23), juin 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
- [18] A. Agossah, F. Krupa, P. Le Callet, M. Perreira Da Silva. LLM-based Interaction for Content Generation: A Case Study on the Perception of Employees in an IT department. In ACM IMX 2023 - Interactive Media Experience, juin 2023, Nantes (France), France.
- [19] A. Ak, A. Perrin, D. Noyes, I. Katsavounidis, P. Le Callet. Video Consumption in Context: Influence of Data Plan Consumption on QoE. In IMX '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [20] A. Boutin, L. Lévêque, S. Desmoulin-Canselier. On Legal and Ethical Challenges of Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: An Exploratory Study. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX), juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [21] A. Bruckert, L. Lévêque, M. Perreira Da Silva, P. Le Callet. A Dataset of Gaze and Mouse Patterns in the Context of Facial Expression Recognition. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX), juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [22] A. Bruckert, M. Christie. High-level cinematic knowledge to predict inter-observer visual congruency. In WICED x Cinemotions 2023 - Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, and Emotions in Movies, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [23] A. Crozet, L. Communier, T. Vigier, P. Lebranchu, P. Le Callet. A Virtual Mobility Test to Evaluate Functional Vision of Visual Impaired Patients. In IMXw '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Workshops, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [24] A. Tious, T. Vigier, V. Ricordel. Physically-based Lighting of 3D Point Clouds for Quality Assessment. In IMX '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, juin 2023, Nantes France, France.
- [25] J. Zhu, A. Ak, C. Dormeval, P. Le Callet, R. Kumar, S. Sethuraman. Subjective Test Environments: A Multifaceted Examination of Their Impact on Test Results. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) (ACM IMX ), juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [26] M. Lafontaine, J. Cloarec-Michaud, K. Riou, Y. Huang, K. Dong, P. Le Callet. Kinetic particles : from human pose estimation to an immersive and interactive piece of art questionning thought-movement relationships.. In IMX '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, juin 2023, Nantes France, France.
- [27] Z. Jun, X. Chuahua, A. Bruckert, P. Le Callet, G. Li, H. Cai. VSGAN: Visual Saliency guided Generative Adversarial Network for data augmentation. In ACM IMX workshop VAMEXP (Visual attention in Multimedia Experience ), juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [28] V. Duvivier, M. Perreira da Silva, Y. Prié. AI-Human Collaboration for in Situ Interactive Exploration of Behaviours From Immersive Environment. In IMX '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, juin 2023, Nantes France, France.
- [29] L. Xia, H. Jebbari, L. Lévêque, O. Deforges, M. Outtas, L. Zhang. Denoised CT Images Quality Assessment Through COVID-19 Pneumonia Detection Task. In International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), juin 2023, Ghent, Belgique.
- [30] C. Lacôte-Coquereau, T. Vigier, M. Perreira da Silva. Experimenting in virtual reality with an autistic public having language and intellectual development disorders : Lessons learned and recommendations [Workshop, conference proceedings]. In International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (Care IMX 2023): Future immersive healthcare experience in medical and home setting, juin 2023, Nantes France, France.
- [31] A. Pastor, P. Le Callet. Towards guidelines for subjective Haptic quality assessment: a case study on quality assessment of compressed haptic signals. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), juillet 2023, Brisbane, Australie.
- [32] V. Menon, J. Zhu, P. Rajendran, H. Amirpour, P. Le Callet, C. Timmerer. Just noticeable difference-aware per-scene bitrate-laddering for adaptive video streaming. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, juillet 2023, Brisbane (AU), Australie.
- [33] Y. Xie, H. Mouchère, F. Simistira Liwicki, S. Rakesh, R. Saini, M. Nakagawa, C. Nguyen, T. Truong. ICDAR 2023 CROHME: Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions. In 17th International Conference Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023, août 2023, San josé, CA,, états-Unis.
- [34] E. Mohamed Moussa, T. Lelore, H. Mouchère. SET, SORT! A Novel Sub-Stroke Level Transformers for Offline Handwriting to Online Conversion. In The 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), août 2023, San José, CA, états-Unis.
- [35] L. Cudilla, S. Perrin, Y. Xie, H. Mouchère, I. Marthot-Santaniello. Homer restored: Virtual reconstruction of Papyrus Bodmer 1. In HIP '23: 7th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, août 2023, San Jose, France.
- [36] S. Tarride, T. Faine, M. Boillet, H. Mouchère, C. Kermorvant. Handwritten Text Recognition from Crowdsourced Annotations. In HIP '23: 7th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, août 2023, San Jose CA USA, France.
- [37] J. Zhu, P. Le Callet, J. Liu. Bridge the Gap between Visual Difference Prediction Model and Just Noticeable Difference Subjective Datasets. In IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, septembre 2023, Poiters, France.
- [38] Y. El Ghazi, K. Subrin, S. Levilly, H. Mouchère, O. Cardin. Task allocation and motion planning strategies for multi-robot cooperation.. In 13th International Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future (SOHOMA2023), septembre 2023, Annecy, France.
- [39] K. Riou, K. Dong, K. Subrin, Y. Sun, P. Le Callet. From Temporal-evolving to Spatial-fixing: A Keypoints-based Learning Paradigm for Visual Robotic Manipulation. In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), octobre 2023, Detroit, états-Unis.
- [40] A. Pastor, L. Krasula, X. Zhu, Z. Li, P. Callet. Recovering quality scores in noisy pairwise subjective experiments using Negative log-likelihood. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), octobre 2023, Kuala Lumpur, France.
- [41] J. Zhu, A. Ak, P. Le Callet, S. Sethuraman, K. Rahul. ZREC : Robust Recovery of Mean and Percentile Opinion Scores. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2023 (ICIP 2023), octobre 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie.
- [42] J. Zhu, H. Amirpour, R. Schatz, C. Timmerer, P. Le Callet. Enhancing Satisfied User Ratio (SUR) Prediction for VMAF Proxy through Video Quality Metrics. In IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2023), décembre 2023, Jeju, Corée du Sud.
- [43] M. Riand, P. Le Callet, L. Dollé. Rethinking Scene Graphs for Action Recognition. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, décembre 2023, Jeju, Corée du Sud.
- [44] C. Scarpa, G. Haese, T. Vigier, P. Le Callet. Construction of immersive and interactive methodology based on physiological indicators to subjectively and objectively assess comfort and performances in work offices. In Immersive media experience (IMX), juin 2023, Nantes, France.In Patrick Le Callet (éds.), . ACM, 2023.
- [45] C. Scarpa, G. Haese, T. Vigier, P. Le Callet. Use of immersive and interactive systems to objectively and subjectively characterize user experience in work places. In Immersive Media eXperience (IMX), juin 2023, Nantes, France.In Patrick Le Callet (éds.), . AMC, 2023.
Brevets (BRE)
- [46] S. Lasserre, S. Puri, P. Le Callet. Last coefficient coding for adaptive transform based video compression. N° brevet : US20230039301A1.
- [47] S. Puri, S. Lasserre, P. Le Callet. Method and a device for picture encoding and decoding. N° brevet : US11683505B2.
Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)
- [48] A. Ak, P. Le Callet. Quality evaluation of light fields. In Immersive Video Technologies. 2023
- [49] A. Pastor, S. Ling, J. Kim, P. Le Callet. Case study: few-shot pill recognition. In Meta Learning With Medical Imaging and Health Informatics Applications. 2023
- [50] E. Alexiou, Y. Nehmé, E. Zerman, I. Viola, G. Lavoué, A. Ak, A. Smolic, P. Le Callet, P. Cesar. Subjective and objective quality assessment for volumetric video. In Immersive Video Technologies. 2023
- [51] H. Duan, J. Gutiérrez, Z. Che, P. Le Callet, G. Zhai. Behavioral phenotype features of autism. In Neural Engineering Techniques for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Volume 2. 2023
- [52] G. Jouis, H. Mouchère, F. Picarougne, A. Hardouin. A methodology to compare XAI explanations on natural language processing. In Explainable Deep Learning AI. 2023
Theses et HDR (THESE)
- [53] G. Jouis. Explicabilité des modèles profonds et méthodologie pour son évaluation : application aux données textuelles de Pôle emploi. Thèses : Nantes Université.
- [54] H. Dubois. Apprentissage automatique pour l'analyse de trajectoires spatiales : extraction conjointe de caractéristiques démographiques et comportementales. Thèses : Nantes Université.
- [55] Y. El Manyari. A Modular Framework for Generic Imitation Learning using Graph-based Spatio-Temporal Representation of Demonstrations : application to Robotic Learning. Thèses : Nantes Université.
- [56] M. Riand. Reconnaissance d’actions à partir d’un faible nombre de vidéos 2D + profondeur : approche par construction de graphes de scène et apprentissage auto-supervisé. Thèses : Nantes Université.
Autres publications (AUTRES)
- [57] M. Atié, C. Drozd, T. Vigier, D. Siret. Method for Evaluating Fidelity of Restitution of Subjective Impressions in Immersive Virtual Reality in Daylit Interior Scenes. In CIE 2023-30th Quadrennial Session of the CIE, septembre 2023, Ljubbljana, Slovénie.