Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-STR pour 2017
Nombre de publications retournées : 22ART_INT | COMM_INT | OUV | THESE |
5 | 14 | 1 | 2 |
ART_INT | 5 |
COMM_INT | 14 |
OUV | 1 |
THESE | 2 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, A. Queudet, O. Déforges. Design and Efficient Implementation of a Chaos-based Stream Cipher. In International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. ; éd. Inderscience Enterprises, 2017.
- [2] O. Jallouli, S. El Assad, M. Chetto, R. Lozi. Design and Analysis of two Stream Ciphers Based on Chaotic Coupling and Multiplexing techniques. In Multimedia Tools and Applications ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 77, num. 11.
- [3] N. Beldiceanu, B. Dumas Feris, P. Gravey, M. Hasan, C. Jard, T. Ledoux, Y. Li, D. Lime, G. Madi-Wamba, J. Menaud, P. Morel, M. Morvan, M. Moulinard, A. Orgerie, J. Pazat, O. Roux, A. Sharaiha. Towards energy-proportional Clouds partially powered by renewable energy. In Computing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 99, num. 1.
- [4] A. Queudet, N. Abdallah, M. Chetto. KTS: a real-time mapping algorithm for NoC-based many-cores. In Journal of Supercomputing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 73, num. 8.
- [5] K. Tigori, J. Béchennec, S. Faucou, O. Roux. Formal Model-Based Synthesis of Application-Specific Static RTOS. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) ; éd. ACM, 2017, vol. 16, num. 4.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [6] M. Comlan, D. Delfieu, M. Sogbohossou, A. Vianou. Embedding Time Petri nets. In (IEEE) 4th-2017 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, avril 2017, Barcelone, Espagne.
- [7] R. El Osta, M. Chetto, H. El Ghor. Aperiodic Task Servicing in Real-Time Energy Harvesting Devices. In 23th International Conference of Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Sciences (LAAS), avril 2017, Beyrouth, Liban.
- [8] �. André, D. Lime. Liveness in L/U-Parametric Timed Automatá. In 17th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2017), juin 2017, Zaragoza, Espagne.
- [9] Y. Emzivat, J. Ibanez-Guzman, P. Martinet, O. Roux. Dynamic Driving Task Fallback for an Automated Driving System whose Ability to Monitor the Driving Environment has been Compromised. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, juin 2017, Redondo Beach, états-Unis.
- [10] H. El Ghor, M. Chetto, R. El Osta. Minimizing the aperiodic responsiveness in Energy Harvesting Devices. In 12th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, juin 2017, Toulouse, France.
- [11] N. Shehzad, A. Déplanche, Y. Trinquet. Overhead control heuristics in Boundary Fair real-time multiprocessor scheduling. In EUC 2017 - 15th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, juillet 2017, Guangzhou, Chine.
- [12] H. Boucheneb, D. Lime, B. Parquier, C. Seidner, O. Roux. Optimal Reachability in Cost Time Petri Nets. In 15th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2017), septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [13] N. David, C. Jard, D. Lime, O. Roux. Coverability Synthesis in Parametric Petri Nets. In 28th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2017), septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [14] A. Bart, B. Delahaye, D. Lime, E. Monfroy, C. Truchet. Reachability in Parametric Interval Markov Chains Using Constraints. In 14th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems, septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [15] L. Jezequel, D. Lime. Let's Be Lazy, We Have Time or, Lazy Reachability Analysis for Timed Automata. In 15th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [16] R. El Osta, M. Chetto, H. El Ghor, R. Hage Chehade. Real-Time Scheduling of aperiodic tasks in Energy Harvesting Devices. In International Conference on Sensors, smart and Emerging Technologies, septembre 2017, Beyrouth, Liban.
- [17] K. Boukir, J. Béchennec, A. Déplanche. Reducing the gap between theory and practice: towards a proven implementation of Global-EDF in Trampoline. In JRWRTC 2017 - 11th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing, octobre 2017, Grenoble, France.
- [18] Y. Emzivat, J. Ibanez-Guzman, P. Martinet, O. Roux. Adaptability of Automated Driving Systems to the Hazardous Nature of Road Networks. In IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), octobre 2017, Yokohama, Japon.
- [19] A. Mangean, J. Béchennec, M. Briday, S. Faucou. WCET Analysis by Model Checking for a Processor with Dynamic Branch Prediction. In Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems. VECoS 2017, août 2017, Montréal, Canada.In Kamel Barkaoui (éds.), . Springer, 2017.
Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)
- [20] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Systèmes temps réel autonomes en énergie - Tome 2. 01-05-2017
Theses et HDR (THESE)
- [21] N. David. Discrete Parameters in Petri Nets. Thèses : Université de Nantes Faculté des sciences et des techniques.
- [22] R. Osta. Contributions to Real Time Scheduling for Energy Autonomous Systems.. Thèses : Université de Nantes.