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Proposition de stage - 2025

Hybridization of cost function network optimization methods with data mining techniques

Niveau : Master 2 Research in Computer Science

Période : Internship for up to 6 months, starting early 2025

Hybridization of cost function network optimization methods with data mining techniques

We offers a Master 2 research internship for up to 6 months, starting early 2025.

The internship is part of the ANR GMLaS (Discrete Graphical Model Learning and Solving using Data Mining and Deep Learning ) and aims at exploring the challenge of data-driven decision-making through a combined machine learning, discrete reasoning/optimization framework, and associated solver: Graphical Models (GMs) and the toulbar2 solver.

The main focus of the internship is to exploit ML/DM techniques to enhance meta-heuristics, specifically the VNS-toulbar2 for guiding neighbourhood generation.

Applications deadline : December 2024.
The candidates must be in master 2 in computer science, preferably with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and/or Operations Research. Experience or training in the following areas would be preferred: Artificial intelligence, especially machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM); – Optimization, especially meta-heuristics  and related areas. A high level of command in English is required.

Applications will be reviewed and selected candidates will be invited for interviews (in person for local candidates or by videoconference) that will take place all along the application period, until the position is fulfilled.

How to apply
Applications must be sent to: abdelkader.ouali@unicaen.fr and samir.loudni@imt-atlantique.fr, with the following documents:

  • curriculum vitae,
  • A motivation/cover letter explaining the interest in the scientific aspect of the internship,
  • Master’s grades and ranking (M1 and available ones of M2, if any),
  • Examples of project implementations (GitHub) or project writings (project reports, etc),
  • Contact details of one or two references, and optionally any recommendation letters.
  • Any other documents the candidate seems fit to enrich his/her application.

Check the attached PDF document for details about the internship topic, requirements and contact details for applying.

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