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Publication  de  la  collection  HAL LS2N-REV  pour  2024

Nombre de publications retournées : 15

Récapitulatif du nombre de publications de la collection par types

Chiffres en cours de consolidation

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] S. Mugisha, V. Krishna Guda, C. Chevallereau, D. Chablat, M. Zoppi. Motion Prediction With Gaussian Processes for Safe Human–Robot Interaction in Virtual Environments. In IEEE Access ; éd. IEEE, 2024, vol. 12.
    • [2] L. Michel, I. Neunaber, R. Mishra, C. Braud, F. Plestan, J. Barbot, P. Hamon. A novel lift controller for a wind turbine blade section using an active flow control device including saturations: experimental results. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024.
    • [3] C. Butin, Y. Aoustin, D. Gouallier, D. Chablat. Design of an Efficient Non-backdrivable Mechanism with Wrap Spring for Hand Prosthesis. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.
    • [4] M. Métillon, L. Michel, S. Caro, M. Ghanes, F. Plestan, J. Barbot, Y. Aoustin. A semi-implicit homogeneous discretized differentiator based on two projectors: Experimental validation on a cable-driven parallel robot. In Mechanics & Industry ; éd. EDP Sciences, 2024, vol. 2024.
    • [5] V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Coactivation in symmetric four-bar mechanisms antagonistically actuated by cables. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.
    • [6] P. Pustina, C. Santina, F. Boyer, A. de Luca, F. Renda. Input Decoupling of Lagrangian Systems via Coordinate Transformation: General Characterization and Its Application to Soft Robotics. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2024, vol. 40.
    • [7] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Design considerations and workspace computation of 2-X and 2-R planar cable-driven tensegrity-inspired manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2024, vol. 195.
    • [8] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Optimal design and comparison of 2-X and 2-R planar cable-driven tensegrity-inspired manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2024, vol. 200.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [9] P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau, S. Caro. A Class of Planar 3-Dof Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Decoupled Workspace. In Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium, celebrating 60 years since the journal's foundation, juin 2024, Guimarães, Portugal.
    • [10] C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, S. Caro. Compound Cable-driven Parallel Robot for a Larger Wrench-feasible Workspace. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, juillet 2024, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [11] V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Kinematics and Workspace of a Spatial 3-DoF Manipulator with Anti-parallelogram joints. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, juillet 2024, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [12] X. Meng, T. Zielenska, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin. Estimating angular joint positions based on Electromyographic (EMG) activity. In 13th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, juillet 2024, Poznan (PL), Pologne.
    • [13] N. Gautier, Y. Guillermit, Y. Sebsadji, M. Porez, D. Chablat. Comparison of robot morphologies and base positioning for welding applications. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2024, Washignton DC, états-Unis.

Autres publications (AUTRES)

    • [14] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Static analysis of an under-actuated bio-inspired robot. Rapport technique, 2024 ; Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes (LS2N).
    • [15] K. Muñoz, M. Porez, P. Wenger. Review Report - Fourth Quarter 2023: Analysis and Design of Spatial Mechanisms of Tensegrity for Collaborative Manipulation. Rapport technique, 2024 ; Centrale Nantes, IMT Atlantique, .
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